Monday 16 July 2012

Anmyeondo Trip

So it’s been an age since I have written anything on the blog and in that time I have had a fair few adventures.

I  went on a trip to an Island called Anmyeondo with a couple of Korean friends I met at kick boxing.

To summarise; highlights included. Fishing with a beer, quad bike riding along the beach at sunset and a huge barbeque.

Lowlights include; Abba at full volume in the car all the way there, three boys staying in a couples room and applying face packs after we showered.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Brunch time

This weekend I enjoyed a very girly Sunday in Samcheong-dong, an area close to the largest palace in Seoul where many of the traditional Korean style houses have been preserved. Amongst  the houses are many cafes, restaurants, waffle houses and lovely boutique shops. After browsing the shops my friend and I had a yummy brunch this was later followed by waffles in the afternoon! We then met up with some friends and went to dip our feet in the Cheongycheon stream, finally finishing of  foody Sunday with Nachos and a Margarita! Good times, back to the gym this week though....
Looking forward to brunch!

Traditional Korean house

Cooling off by the Cheongycheon stream

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Rainy days

As I mentioned in my previous post, the rain has begun. Throughout July and August the weather tends to be hot, humid and rainy. Luckily there are many sunny spells in between! It seems to rain most during the evening and at night often along with some amazing thundersrtorms that literally go on for hours! So far it hasn't effected us too badly apart from the sweat.
Korea does not look pretty on rainy days!

Thursday 5 July 2012


Something you would have to get used to when working as an English teacher in Korea is friends leaving, especially if you are here for over two years. Our good friend Mike is leaving this weekend and we will be sad to see him go, we did however enjoy a great night out in Hongdae to see him off which included an Indian resatuarant, two clubs, a noraebang, chicken and beer and a killer shot!  We had at first planned a weekend beach trip but the rain has now well and truly started, there will be another post to come about this ....
Indian restaurant