Monday 17 September 2012

Beach party

This week instead of the usual Hongdae night out we decided to go to a beach rave organised by some other English teachers. After a long journey from Hongdae and a very dodgy taxi journey we made it to the beach, where there were more foreigners in one place than we have seen since being in Korea. Security was pretty tight too, not police or security guards but army soldiers 50 metres down the beach! It was certainly an adventurous night, fun but strange especially as we had to go to the airport to get  home, hungover and sandy we didn't fit with the pristine holiday goers!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Last semester!

Well our final semester has arrived (very, very quickly)! People teaching here say that Korea feels like a time warp and that feels about right. With less than three months left our thoughts are turning to our next step, possibly a quick trip to India, then home for Christmas! However, we still have plenty to keep us entertained here with family visiting and still lots of sights to see I'm sure this last semester will be our busiest yet!
End of semester snack party with one of my younger classes :)