Tuesday 8 May 2012

Mountains and Makkoli

Last Thursday we had the day off so we spent the day with some of our Korean coworkers. We started off the day with a hike around Bukhansan National Park which lies just North of Seoul. Hiking around this area is an interesting experience, on one side you can see pine trees and rocky mountains and on the other you can see Seouls sprawling apartment blocks. We had a great time though and after headed out for Jimdak, a kind of chicken stew with vegetables and noodles, one of my favourite Korean dishes! We ate in Insadong, a popular tourist destination full of coffee shops, souvenirs and restaurants. Here our friend introduced us properly to Korean Makkoli, an alcoholic drink made from rice and wheat, it is a strange milky colour which doesn't sound appealing but actually it tastes quite nice!

View from Bukhansan
Insadong streets

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