Tuesday 5 June 2012

Jacks 25th Birthday

For Jacks 25th birthday I surprised him with a trip to Everland, Koreas biggest amusement park! A group of friends joined us for the trip and we had a brilliant day, the weather was great and despite what I had heard the queues were not long at all. We made it on most of the rides including the T-Express (a large wooden rollercoaster) and a few other spinny things ha ha!

Somebody must have told them!

After Chicken Galbi                      
                                                       After a day at the park we were all pretty tired, but the day did not end there! I arranged with some more friends to meet in Jongak and we all headed out for chicken galbi (a kind of marinated chicken with cheese and noodles, yum!), plenty of Soju then on to a beer pong bar for some friendly competetion and finally a Norae bang for some disastrous singing. It was a great day, thanks again to all our friends in Korea who made the effort to come and celebrate :-)

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