Sunday 5 August 2012

White wedding

Sorry we haven't blogged in a while, been in Bali! More on that next time. Before we went we were lucky enough to be invited to an ex-coworkers wedding. It was a very different experience from a traditional British wedding for several reasons. Firstly, Korean weddings tend to be held in wedding halls which are like large function rooms as opposed to churches. Secondly, the ceremony and the reception are held together in the same room, the entire wedding lasting around 3 hours in total. Thirdly, the food is nearly always served in a buffet style instead of a formal dinner. Finally, the bride gets to wear two dresses! Oh I also forget there is hardly any drinking which is very unlike any British wedding I have ever been too. Altogether, we had a lovely time at ou first Korean wedding, the bride looked lovely, the food was delicious and the new couple seemed very happy :)
The wedding hall

The happy couple

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