Tuesday 8 January 2013

A belated last blog!

I know this is far too late but I thought this blog deseved a final entry. We left Korea at the end of November after a manic two weeks packing, cleaning and saying our goodbyes. Packing up our lives even after just 1 year took far longer than I expected and we literally didn't sleep more than a few hours over the last few days! As well as getting ready to leave Jack had his fight a week and a half before we left. Which he won! It was well deserved too, after months of training hard and weeks of stressful preparation. 

Team Jack!
The ring
On the last weekend we had a final night out in Hongdae which was great fun and messy as usual. Although I don't seem to have any pictures documenting it, probably a good thing! Our final few days at work was great, they made a real effort to give us lovely farewell party and our boss gave us some great gifts as you can see!
Goodbye work party.
Velour Juicy Couture tracksuit  and Fila top, our boss has taste!

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