Monday 12 December 2011

First night out!

Our first night out began in Ilsan at a Kalbi restaurant (this means they have a mini bbq in your table!) with Elias leading the way. Here we had our first bottle of Soju - 20% rice wine which you can buy in the supermarket, 2L for £3.00, bargain! It actually tasted surprisingly OK to me, not sure if this is a good or bad thing hmmm... Following this we went to a couple of cool bars where you can get cocktails for £2.50 and tequila shots for about 90p and so the drinking began! We ended up in a Noraebang (a karaoke room) luckily I can't remember the singing .... there is a bit more to this story but I will let Jack tell the rest!

First bar

Amazing bar full of vinyl where you can choose any song, if they like it they will play it!

Our duet!

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