Tuesday 6 March 2012

Island Adventure

Last weekend we decided to venture out of Seoul along with a few friends and go on a trip to Muuido Island organised by the Seoul Hiking Group. We got up horribly early at around 7.00 (bare in mind our early mornings these days are around 9.30!) to catch the subway to the coach stop. Just a couple of hours and a stop at E-mart (a big supermarket) to pick up crisps, beer and soju and we were there. Muuido Island is located of the west coast off Incheon Island where the airport is. Luckily it was a warm and sunny day so as soon as we got there we made the best of the beach ie; I lay on the sand chatting and Jack played frisbee! In the evening we hiked up to the top of a large hill (small mountain) to watch the sunset which was lovely, the fun then continued well into the night with a barbeque, campfire and drinking jenga! We didn't make it for the hike the next morning, had a great time though!
Jack in action


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