Thursday 22 September 2011

My first post: Why write a blog?!

Having made the exciting but scary decision to go and teach English in South Korea with my boyfriend Jack, I began to research the application process. This was daunting and almost overwhelming at first, trawling through the lists of paperwork required, the hundreds of jobs of various job boards and the many recruitment agencies. It felt at some points that we would never get there! Whilst scouring the internet for hints and tips I found many helpful blogs giving some great advice, many of these seemed to be written by single people often from America or Canada and I  found that being a British couple there were extra hurdles to overcome! So, inspired by other bloggers I decided that to write my own blog documenting our application process and hoping to help other British couples who are also embarking on this adventure. Of course friends and family are more than welcome to follow this blog if they don't find it too boring!

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