Monday 26 September 2011

Recruiters: Who and how many?

Recruiters aren't for everybody and there are other options when looking for a job in South Korea such as going straight through a school. As a couple however it is a lot more challenging to find jobs and I found recruiters tend to have more couple jobs. At first we only signed up with one agency following a recommendation from some one who had also taught in South Korea. However, I soon realised that in would be beneficial to sign up with more than one. Don't get despondent if some recruiters don't get back to you, I think I might contacted at least 15 in the end! We had some mixed responses, some we clicked with straight away, others never got back to us and some were really enthusiastic but never sent us a job! My advice to other couples looking for a job would be to maintain contact with those recruiters who get back to you and give them regular updates as to where you are with documents etc. until you have all the documents together they will find it hard to get you a job. They may also want you make a Youtube video so schools can listen to your accent, we did this although it turned out it wasn't really necessary and it won't be something I am posting on this blog! Some companies may encourage you to get a TEFL or other teaching qualification, I am sure this would be helpful but as we didn't have the funds needed to get one we decided to have a go without it. We now have a job so it is possible! Just don't give up!

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