Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

We started of celebrating New Years Eve with an amazing turkey roast dinner cooked by a friend in a kitchen the size of a cupboard! It certainly made up for our lack of Christmas dinner! We saw in the New Year in Hongdae, the student area of Seoul, which was packed to say the least! Everybody seemd to be in Hongdae particularly all the foreigners, it was odd seeing so many together. We had a great night, going to 2 bars, 2 clubs a coffee shop and a restaurant!

Other news .... we have successfully ordered our first takeaway which included  pizza, a duck, mozzarella sticks, pasta and coke for £12! Very healthy.... 
We are  starting morning classes at school this week for a month while the kids are on their winter holiday, so the next we are going to be pretty busy,  we also have plans for a ski trip and an electronic music festival too!

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